Thursday, July 25, 2013

Upaya Zen Center

Yesterday I visited the Upaya Institute and Zen Center, a Buddhist retreat and meditation center in Santa Fe.  I'd driven by the center several times previously, and was always drawn to the Temple, which can be seen from the road, towering over the surrounding trees...  This time I decided to stop and see if I could take a walk around the center.  It was early in the morning, quiet except for a couple of landscapers working on the grounds.  I was drawn to the Temple, and particularly the Buddhist prayer flags hanging nearby...

After taking a few shots of the Temple I decided to move in closer and crouch down, so I would be looking up, trying to emphasize the flags a little more...

Then I moved in even closer, looking up...

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 18-55 DX

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