Monday, July 22, 2013

Red Cross

I took this shot back in June 2008, shortly after getting my first DSLR, a Nikon D40.  I was walking around downtown Anchorage, taking shots, trying to get used to using my new toy.  I took this shot because I liked the look of the old, rusting newspaper stand.  It was only after I downloaded the photos to my laptop and started looking at them that I realized the red newspaper stand had a red car parked behind it, so the two formed a cross.  Then, looking closer, I noticed that the wire rack in the newspaper stand formed a cross, so there was the image of a cross within a cross...  For quite awhile I wished that I had framed the shot tighter to eliminate the green metal stand on the right (or, I considered cropping it out), but I realized that the red reflection on the glass of the green stand "extended" the cross on another plane, and I ultimately left it as is...  Not the greatest shot ever, but I'm still drawn to some aspects of it, years later...

Nikon D40, Nikkor 55-200 DX VR

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