Friday, February 13, 2015

The Year In Review

2014 was a productive year for me photographically, especially once I decided to quit my "day job" and concentrate my efforts on pursuing photography as a full time occupation.  Going down this road has certainly had its bumps along the way, but it has been rewarding and had its share of highlights as well.

Highlights From The Past Year

In February I found out that one of my photos had taken Second Place, Landscape Category, in New Mexico Magazine's 14th Annual Photo Contest. The photo was taken at the Valles Caldera in northern New Mexico shortly after a thunderstorm, and the lush green field, angry sky, and steam rising from the ground was a ready made photo opportunity.  You can view a gallery of the contest winners here.  

In April I won First Place in the 2014 Bandelier National Monument Photo Contest.  This  photo is currently featured on the 2015 Bandelier National Monument Annual Pass.

In June I volunteered at the CENTER's 14th Installment of Review Santa Fe, which is considered to be the "premier juried portfolio review event int the world." The event hosted 101 photographers from over 30 states and 13 countries.  The CENTER is a nonprofit organization based in Santa Fe whose mission is to support and provide opportunities for talented photographers all of the world.  As a reward for my volunteer time, I had the opportunity for a portfolio review with Elise McHugh, Senior Acquistitions Editor with the University of New Mexico Press.  This was my first time having my work reviewed, so it was both nerve-wrecking and rewarding at the same time.

In November two of my photos were represented in the Albuquerque Photographer's Gallery's "Your Best Shot(s)" Photo Contest, taking First and Third Place.  These works hung in the gallery for the month of November, which was just the second time my work was displayed in a public venue.  The First Place photo is titled "Vessel."  

And the Third Place photo is titled "Abandoned."

Also in November, I did my first "assignment" work for a client.  In a nutshell, I was tasked with producing a work featuring the labyrinth at Georgia O'Keeffe's Ghost Ranch in northern New Mexico.  This is the final product, which was turned into a 16" x 30" print on infused aluminum.

Beginning February 1st a selection of my work is being shown at "Mostly Madrid," an artist's gallery located in the Gypsy Plaza on the south end of Madrid, New Mexico, across from the Mine Shaft Tavern, which I wrote about in detail last week.  

Looking Forward

March 13-15 I will be participating in the "Rio Grande Arts & Crafts Festival Spring Show" in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  The show will be held at the Expo NM Fairgrounds.  You can view details about the event here.

April 17-19 I will be showing a selection of my work at the "Lubbock Arts Festival 2015" in Lubbock, Texas. Event details can be found here - if you're in the area I hope to see you there!  I'm currently in the process of decided which work will be featured in this show.  One of those pieces will be "Echoes of the West," seen below.

Starting at the end of May, on select Saturdays throughout the summer and fall, I will have a booth at the Santa Fe Artists Market, a Juried Art Exhibition in Santa Fe's Railyard District, adjacent to the Farmers' Market.  Here's a mock set up - the selection of work will vary with each week/show - of my booth (minus the white canopy).   

Looking back, I can see that I made progress both in the quality of my photography and my ability to get my work out where it can be seen.  I'm looking forward to trying to improve in both aspects again in the coming year. 

You can view my online portfolio and order prints here

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Follow me on Twitter @KSchafferPhoto

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