Saturday, November 22, 2014

Guide To Ordering

The website that hosts my online portfolio has recently made some changes to how photos and other merchandise are ordered.  In light of these changes I thought the time was right to put together a blog post that outlined the ordering process.  Note: You can click on any of the photos below to see a full screen version.

Before I dive in, I'd like to say that if you have any questions please feel free to contact me through the "Contact" link on my website (located at the top).  I would be happy to answer any question you may have.

When you go to my website ( you will come to the landing page.  There are several buttons in the top center menu.  To view the photo galleries on the site, click the "Galleries" button.  

After clicking on the "Galleries" button, you'll see five Galleries: "American Southwest," "Alaska," "Pacific Northwest," "Great Plains," and "Hawaii."  To view the photos in a gallery click anywhere on the gallery's photo. In this example we'll chose the "Alaska" gallery.

After clicking on the "Alaska" gallery, you'll be taken to that gallery.  When you're in a  gallery, you can scroll down to look through all of the photos.  You can also click on the "Buy Photo" button as seen here.  This is useful if you'd like to purchase multiple photos from a gallery at the same time.

If you click on the "Buy Photo" button you'll get two options: "Photos from this gallery" or "Create a card."  In this example we'll choose "Photos from this gallery."  

When you select this option you will see a thumbnail list of all the photos in the gallery with pricing information.  Click on the photo (or photos, you can select multiple photos) you would like to purchase (it will now have a white border around it), then click on the "Change Product" button to select the size and type of paper for the photo you would like to purchase.

Here we will select a 8x12 Glossy Print.  You could also order a "Keepsake" like a photo puzzle, or purchase a "Download" of a file to use, for example, in a Powerpoint presentation or as your desktop wallpaper.

After choosing the product (an 8x12 Glossy Print) you are returned to the previous screen where you then add your selection to your shopping cart.

At this point you can chose to Checkout, go Back To Gallery, or Select More Photos to add more merchandise to your cart.

When you are viewing photos in a gallery, you can also click on an individual photo to see a full screen version.  A "Buy" button also appears as you mouse over the photo (as indicated by the red arrow in this example). 

After clicking on an individual photo, you can scroll through full screen versions of the photos in that gallery using the arrow buttons that will be on the left (to go back) and right (to move forward).  To make a purchase you would click on the green "Buy" button in the lower right corner.

To purchase Greeting Cards you would click on the "Create a Card" link. For prints and all other merchandise orders you would click on the "This Photo" link.  In this example we will click on the "This Photo" link.

After clicking on the "This Photo" link a window will open.  To the right of the photo you selected will be four links - "Wall Art," "Paper Prints," "Keepsakes," and "Digital Downloads."  Under the "Wall Art" link you can order products such as canvas prints and framed photos; "Paper Prints" is where you would order a photo print; "Keepsakes" is where you would order, for example, a puzzle or coffee mug with the photo of your choice printed on them; and under "Digital Downloads" you can order a digital file of a selected print to use, for example, in a Powerpoint presentation.  Here we are selecting paper prints.

After clicking on "Paper Prints" you are guided through several steps to complete your order.  In this example we are going to select "Standard Sizes," "8"x12"," and "Glossy" for our print order.

You then click on the "Add To Cart "button.

At this point you can click on "View Cart" to see your selections, or click on "Close" to continue shopping.  In this example we'll view our shopping cart.

When reviewing your Shopping Cart you can adjust the cropping on your photos (if needed) or change the quantity of the order.  Once you are satisfied with your selections, click on the "Checkout" button located to the right.

After clicking on the "Checkout" button you will be prompted to enter your name, shipping  address, billing information, asked to select your method of shipping, etc., as you would on any other e-commerce site...

You can check out my website, and purchase prints and other merchandise, here

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