Thursday, October 2, 2014

Road Trip to Seward

A couple of weeks ago I made the trip north to Alaska, returning to my former home for a brief visit.  While there, one of several road trips I made was to Seward, a small town nestled along the shores of Resurrection Bay.   

I drove to Seward early in the morning as I wanted to be there before the sun rose.  A few miles outside Seward, I was driving past Bear Lake when I saw the reflection of the mountains in the water, and I quickly pulled over to the parking area on the south side of the shore.  Normally, I don't compose a photo with the horizon line in the middle of the frame, but here I wanted to give equal weight to the mountains and their reflection...

Once I got into town, I started the morning by walking the docks of the boat harbor.  As the  light filled the sky, reflections began to fall across the early morning's still water.  Soon the reflection of this boat and the clouds in the water caught my eye.  I composed the shot so the frame would essentially be divided into thirds - the boat, the reflection of the boat, and the reflection of the sky in the water.  

Soon the sun started to break the horizon.  I stopped to take this photo, crouching down to emphasize the metallic reflection in the water...

At the corner of the harbor I noticed this seawall and was immediately attracted to the textures and patterns, light and reflections that were present...

Soon after, I saw this and carefully composed this scene so the blue reflection of the top boat would meet the the grey strip on the bottom boat...

I then took another shot of the harbor, this time emphasizing the sweeping look of the clouds in the sky...

After leaving the harbor I drove down Lowell Point Road, stopping to spend some time at a small boat launch.  Soon the sun started to break through the cloud, casting Crepuscular (God) rays towards the sea...

I worked the scene for awhile, and here again I wanted to emphasize the sky and the sense of wide open space...

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 16-85 DX VR

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