Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Same, But Different

Whether it's taking advantage of a change in seasons, an opportunity to use new gear, or simply approaching an old subject from a new perspective, I think there's merit to revisiting and rephotographing favorite (or even not so favored) subjects.

Shortly after moving to Santa Fe we started to go on day trips, checking out our new home and the surrounding area.  One of the first places we went was Georgia O'Keefe's Ghost Ranch near Abiquiu.  On the way to our destination we stopped at a road side pull out, where a sharp bend in the Rio Chama lay below.  I was drawn in by the red rocks, the greenery lining the river, the dark hills in the background, and I spent some time photographing the area.  The only negative aspect was the cloudless sky and harsh light of the midday sun, so I composed this shot with a just a small slice of sky at the top of the frame.  July 2013...

A couple of months later we were in the area again.  This time I crouched down to get the yellow leaves of the chamisa in the foreground, included more of the sky to include the clouds, and composed the shot to look straight down the river...  September 2013...

With a visitor in town, once again we headed out towards Abiquiu and Ghost Ranch, an early morning drive on Christmas Eve.  After we pulled over for a short break, I hopped over the guard rail and got down on one knee, aiming my camera down and going as wide as the lens would allow to include the bend in the river.  I liked the contrast the fresh dusting of snow in the hills brought to the scene and colors brought out by the shallow river.  December 2013...

Last month I found myself standing in that spot again, staring out at the river.  I had a  (relatively) new lens with me this time, one that allowed me to take in a little more of the scene.  Once again I hopped the guard rail and composed the photo to include the bend in the river, this time turning to the left a bit for a slightly different view, including more of the sky to take in the clouds floating over the scene.  June 2014...

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 18-55 DX (first three photos), Nikkor 16-85 DX VR (last photo)
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