Thursday, November 14, 2013

The doors at Dal al Islam

When I first visited Santa Fe in February I quickly became fascinated by the doors and windows I saw downtown, and this has only grown stronger since I moved here in June.  I even spent a morning walking around the Canyon Road area specifically to take photos of doors and windows, as I've written about previously.  Whenever I'm walking around, whether it's in Santa Fe, Taos, or wherever, I'm always on the look out for an interesting door, window, or old building with character...

A couple of months ago I saw a photo of the mosque at Dar al Islam, an Islamic Eduction Center located just outside of Abiquiu, in Georgia O'Keeffe country.  I had no idea this existed, since I hadn't seen mention of it when researching that area of New Mexico.  After a little research online I decided that I needed to see it.  

After one attempt at finding it (didn't write the directions down, tried relying on memory and missed the turn - which turned out to lead me to another small town and an unexpected photo op I'll share in the future), I headed out again to Abiquiu on a casual drive, with the intent of stopping by as part of my outing...  After driving down a side road for a couple of miles, then up a bumpy dirt driveway for a bit, I came upon Dar al Islam.  I took a moment to check in at the office and say hello, and then spent some time walking around the main complex, which consisted of the main school complex, garden, and mosque.  After rounding a corner my eye caught this door.  I was drawn to the wood door, the recessed entry, the geometry...

A little farther along the same side of the building were these doors.  Again I was drawn to the wood doors, the recessed entryways, the shadows, the geometry, the balance between the doors and the window.

After rounding another corner, then another, there was this doorway...

And to the right of that was another door of the same style.  The door was recessed even further, but within the shadows there was another wooden door and small window...

The whole experience was a pleasant surprise.  Dar al Islam sits alone on a bluff with Plaza Blanca, "The White Place" - an area that was the subject of a number of Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings - looming in the background.  A beautiful building situated in a beautiful setting...

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 18-55 DX

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