Saturday, October 13, 2012

To Crop, Or Not To Crop?

One of the things I try to do when taking photos is "get it right in the camera."  I try to get the subject framed the way I want it when I take the photo, instead of relying on cropping after the fact.  Occasionally though, when I'm reviewing photos later, I find one that I like, but think "I should have zoomed in tighter" or "I should have taken two more steps closer."  The photo below is a good example.  I like colors and texture of the wall, and the same with the dumpster.  I don't like the foreground though, the dull alley.

Here's the same photo, cropped in an 16 x 9 aspect ratio.  Closer, tighter, eliminating the foreground.  Better?  I'm not sure.  But you don't know until you try...

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 18-55 DX

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