Friday, May 15, 2015

#250 - Why do I blog?

"Your voice is as important as anyone else’s." ~ J.J. Abrams

Why do I blog? I started this blog in September 2010, without any idea of what I was doing or where I thought it would go, other than I wanted to start writing about my new hobby, photography.  I wrote a few things over the next couple of years (most of which has since been deleted, they were so poorly written and unfocused), then I started to blog consistently in August 2012, mostly posting a single photo with a short description. Eventually it evolved again into what it is today - longer posts with multiple photos and the "story" behind them.

Why do I blog?  It's a creative outlet.  There was a time when I wanted to be writer.  I studied writing, read constantly, filled journal after journal, wrote short stories and sent them off to publishers, and filed away the rejection letters as they came in - if they came at all.  I plugged away, then "life" happened.  I still wrote, off and on, then, in my early thirties, I finally went back to college and took it seriously.  Writing became a necessity, essays and term papers.  Shortly after college I switched careers and dove into the world of grant writing for a nonprofit, the stakes got higher, and the joy of writing subsided - it was now a j-o-b.  I stopped writing for pleasure.  Now, a couple of years removed from the grant writing world, I've slowly started to enjoy writing again. 

Why do I blog?  It's a means to document my journey.  The small steps and big leaps.  I look back at photos I took a couple of years ago, a year ago, a month ago, and I see improvement.  And I see room for improvement.  The better I get, the further I feel I need to go.     

Why do I blog?  To share a new technique I've learned.  This is one of the first photos I developed in the "digital darkroom" using the High Dynamic Range (HDR) technique.
Why do I blog?  To show off what I can do with a new toy.  This photo was taken with my fisheye lens, which enabled me to get the sunburst with the well defined rays.

Why do I blog?  To share a new direction my photography has taken, in this case urban exploration (Urbex) photography.

Why do I blog?  To share those moments rooted in serendipity.

Why do I blog?  To share the little things that catch my eye.

Why do I blog?  To share kitschy, quirky, pieces of roadside Americana I ran across.

Why do I blog?  To share a sunrise.
Why do I blog?  I’m a quiet person by nature.  Sharing my photography has given me a way to express myself and share things that catch my eye and pique my imagination.  I look forward to continuing to search, explore, and discover the wonders of the Southwest and wherever else my muse may take me, and continuing to share those experiences.

That's why I blog.

All photos taken with a Nikon D7000 camera body, and Nikkor lens

You can view my online portfolio and purchase prints here.

Want to keep up to date with where I'll be and what my latest creations are?
Follow me on FaceBook and Google+
I'm also on Twitter @KSchafferPhoto
And now on Instagram: @kschafferphoto

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