Monday, April 7, 2014

Why Blog?

Why do I blog?  Why do I sit down once a week and rack my brain, trying to find a topic that interests me and (hopefully) will interest others? I often joke about my blog to my wife, a play on words: "If you write a blog and no one reads it, is it still there?"

I blog to push myself.  I blog to think.  Yes, I blog to get my thoughts out into the world, but I blog for me.  I blog for the same reason I spend time taking photographs, for the same reason I spend time processing photographs on the computer, for the same reason I put photographs out into the world for other see...  To push myself.  To think.

Every time I go out shooting I hope get a little better, a little better at capturing both what's in front of me and what I'm feeling.  Every time I blog, I hope I get better at describing where I was and how I felt at that moment in time.  It's all a way of pushing myself forward, pushing myself harder, warts and all.  I won't lie, I'd love to have more sales.  I'd love to have more clicks and likes and +1s.  I'd love to have more engagement on my social media sites.  But, ultimately, it really is just about me.  About feeding the soul.  About Pushing.  Striving.  Thinking.  Trying.  A labor of love...

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And was recently featured on In My Bag

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