Friday, September 6, 2013

Echo Amphitheater

Echo Amphitheater is located near Abiquiu, New Mexico, in the heart of Georgia O'Keeffe country.  I didn't know that it existed until we passed the turn-off to this small park during a long country drive a few weeks ago.  Last weekend we toured the area again, showing off the Land Of Enchantment to some guests.  I brought my camera, and decided to bring my wide angle lens along for this trip.  When we got to the viewing area for the amphitheater I quickly decided that getting as close as possible, going as wide as possible, and looking up was the way to go to try and get a good shot, especially considering that the clouds were cooperating that day...

This was the first time where I wished that I had a fisheye lens on hand, to capture the full scope of the landscape...

Once I got home and started processing to photos, this one quickly rose to the top as the best overall composition...

You can buy a print of the last image here

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 10-24 DX

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