Monday, August 19, 2013

Another Take

Last February I was on vacation in Holbrook, Arizona, staying at the Wigwam Motel.  There were several old cars in the parking lot, and I thought taking a few shots with my (then brand new) wide angle lens could lead to some interesting results.  For the most part I wasn't satisfied with the shots I got, with the exception of this one.  It was a clear, cool, day with a bright setting sun, and the colors of the old car washed out in the harsh light a bit.  I decided to process the shot as a single image HDR in an attempt pull out some of the colors I knew were there.  That shot I posted previously.  I wasn't happy with that shot, as it was overexposed in the upper right corner and the sky had a "look" to it that I didn't like...

Fast forward to today.  Over the months I've thought about this shot, how I could process it differently.  Then it occurred to me that since the sun was just out of the frame in the upper right, shining brightly, I could use a sun flare effect to clean up that part of the image.  Doing that didn't turn the photo from a good shot into a great shot, but I like this version much better...

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 10-24 DX

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