Monday, October 25, 2010

Light Posts of Cheyenne

I was in Cheyenne, Wyoming last week on a work related trip.  Of course I brought my camera along.  Although I wasn’t able to spend as much time as I had hoped exploring the city (I was stuck inside until after 5 pm each day, and the sun set at 6:30 or so), I did manage to see a little bit of Cheyenne.  Fortunately, my hotel was located in the Historic Downtown Area.  Although much of this area has been lost to time and redevelopment, there was one thing that caught my eye.  The light posts.  I became obsessed with them.  Be it the single light post, or the clusters of five, I spent quite a bit of time – and burned through quite a few frames – trying to get a few shots that I liked.  These, along with a brief explanation of what I was trying to achieve, are the best of the lot…

This one was in front of an old building near the railroad yard.  I liked how the fall leaves seemed to match the brick exterior of the building, and the light post was icing on the cake…

Same light post, same building, different perspective.  I underexposed one step to emphasis the feel of late evening light…

This cluster of lights was in front of the train depot.  I liked how two lights were on, three off, and how the brick exterior of the building glowed in background from the fading evening light…

Same cluster of lights.  I moved to the left a few feet so that I could frame them against the clean background of the clear sky…

This was the shot I spent the most time on.  Obviously, I was trying to get the moon in focus with the light post in the foreground.  Not a great shot, but it has the mood I was looking for…

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