Monday, February 10, 2014


Last February was the first time I really visited New Mexico (I drove through New Mexico in the fall of 1986, but I don’t remember any details, since we were on the Interstate and just trying to make good time on the way to our final destination).  It was a short visit, staying in Santa Fe for a couple of days, but it was long enough for Santa Fe quickly to end up on the short list of “places we want to move to when we leave Alaska.”  Ultimately, Santa Fe rose to the top of the list, and we moved here in the end of last June…  

During that first visit to Santa Fe we drove up to the Abiquiu area, and I soon fell in love with the area, much as Georgia O’Keeffe did when she first visited the area back in 1934. I've been to the area over a half a dozen times now, and each time I find something different to explore and photograph.  

Just before the town of Abiquiu is the turn off to Plaza Blanca (“the White Place”).  This is an area Georgia O’Keefe painted on numerous occasions…

Dar al Islam, an Islamic education center, is located near Plaza Blanca; in fact, Plaza Blanca is located on land owned by the center, who graciously allow people access to the area, free of charge.  They also allow you to stroll the grounds of the center, and once I took the time to do just that. I found myself fascinated by the doors and windows of the main building (a reoccurring theme since I moved to Santa Fe).

Up the road is Abiquiu Lake, a reservoir formed by damning the Rio Chama River.  Usually the lake is just something I drive by and glance at on the way to Ghost Ranch, but on this particular day the reflection of the nearby mountains in the water was so striking that I had to pull over and take a few shots... 

Ghost Ranch is where Georgia O'Keeffe eventually settled in 1940.  She said of Ghost Ranch and Northern New Mexico: "Such a beautiful, untouched lonely feeling place, such a fine part of what I call the 'Faraway'. It is a place I have painted before . . . even now I must do it again" (Wikipedia).  This is a shot taken near Ghost Ranch, which lies on the other side of this ridge...

About four miles up the road from Ghost Ranch is Echo Amphitheater, a small park with a short trail that leads to a spectacular natural amphitheater...

Much like Georgia O'Keeffe I find myself drawn to this area, for I am always drawn in by its natural beauty...

Nikon D7000, lens (from top to bottom) Nikkor 10-24 DX, Nikkor 18-55 DX, Nikkor18-55 DX, Nikkor 18-55 DX, Nikkor 10.5 Fisheye

Purchase prints and other merchandise featuring my photos of New Mexico here

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