Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Word About Workflow...

Part of the incentive to start shooting more frequently, and subsequently to start updating this blog on a regular basis, has been the recent acquisition of the tools needed to store and process the images captured.  I had been working with an old PC running Windows XP.  Even something as simple as sorting through a large number of images would make it groan from the effort as its hard drive spun… Yes, it was an excuse not to go out and shoot.  On the flip side, having the right tools in my hands serves as inspiration that I plan on running with…

Fast forward to the now.  I’m still shooting with my Nikon D40.  Still use the kit lens that came with it, the Nikon 18-55mm (occasionally), and the Nikon 55-200mm VR (until recently, my go to lens).  The Nikon 55-300 VR was added to the mix recently.  All have a Clear UV filter on for protection.  I occasionally use a circular polarizer (rainbows, blue sky, the usual), and I have graduated neutral density and neutral density filters that I need to become more familiar with.

For processing and storing images I’m using a 15” MacBook Pro with Retina Display, running Apple Aperture (release 3.3.2).  Despite earlier ranting about the evils of excessively manipulating digital images, I realize that some tweaking of images is necessary to fully realize one’s artistic vision, much like film pros used to process images in the darkroom…  All of my images are now backed-up to 2 Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 1.5 TB external hard drives and burned to DVD (using an external Apple USB Superdrive).

Let the fun begin...

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